Author name: Rahnuma Tasnim

Rahnuma is a technical content writer at software testing stuff. A software engineer by degree and a dynamic content creator by passion, she brings to table over 3 years of writing experience in tech niche. Combining her enthusiasm for writing and technology, she loves to share her thoughts on the latest tech trends.

Cross Browser Testing Tools–Reduce Browser Compatibility Testing Effort

Sometimes, testing on various browsers becomes a challenge for software test professionals & project teams. Running the test cases on all browsers makes the testing cost very high. Specially, it becomes a challenge when we do not have expert designers in the team or when we don’t have verification/validation phase at the time of screen […]

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Replay Tips for Citrix protocol in HP Mercury’s LoadRunner

Today, I’m going add one more tutorial in the LoadRunner section. Below are some useful tips to replay a HP Mercury’s LoadRunner script for Citrix protocol while doing performance testing: For example, if the original window’s name is “Application 1” where the name changes during application’s run to “Application 1”, you can instruct LoadRunner’s VuGen to use the

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License Errors in HP Mercury’s LoadRunner

License – Expired: Your LoadRunner license has expired. Please contact customer support to renew it. You have a time-limited license for your LoadRunner application. Some or all of your license features have expired. Troubleshooting: License – Renewal: Your LoadRunner licenses are no longer valid. Contact customer support to renew your licenses of LoadRunner. Troubleshooting: Contact customer support to

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Why does software have bugs

– Errors of Requirements: Gap between “what an application should do” and “what it actually does”. Thanks to one or more of the many possible reasons – deficiency in the specifications or the communication or understanding.– Errors of Design: Not a well-engineered application. Deficient / defective design.– Programming / coding errors– Software Complexity: A non-trivial application has an

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Vusers in LoadRunner

Vusers emulate the actions of human users by performing typical business processes in your application. The actions that a Vuser performs during the recording session are described in a Vuser script.HP’s tool for creating Vuser scripts is the Virtual User Generator, VuGen. You use VuGen to develop a Vuser script by recording a user performing typical

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