QuickTest Professional (QTP) 10.00 has a powerful feature of new Quality Center 10.00 integration capabilities for QuickTest assets, Dependencies, and Versions. QuickTest assets include tests, components, application areas, and the resources associated with them, such as shared object repositories, function libraries, recovery scenarios, and external data tables.
These integration capabilities include:
– New resources and dependencies model for storing and managing shared assets
– Excellent Support for asset versioning and baselines
– Good asset Comparison Tool for comparing versions of individual QuickTest assets
– Asset Viewer for viewing an earlier version of a QuickTest asset
– A special tool for Quality Center administrators that upgrades all QuickTest assets to use these new features.
1. New resources and dependencies model: The new Quality Center resources and dependencies model enables you to store your tests, components, and resources such that you can manage the relationships between them and you can analyze the impact on all your assets when one asset changes.
If you are working with a Premier edition Quality Center server, then you can also import and share your resources across different projects. You can synchronize these assets in both projects when changes are made. This functionality also enables you to reuse your existing assets instead of creating new assets whenever you create a new project. For example, you can create a set of template assets to use as a basis for new projects.
In previous versions of QuickTest and Quality Center, a test’s associated resource files (such as shared object repositories, function libraries, recovery scenarios, and external data tables), were stored in Quality Center as attachments, while files associated with an application area were stored in a standalone Resources folder in the Business Components module.
Quality Center 10.00 introduces a new Test Resources module. This module enables you to store all of these resources as separate entities that are linked to their owners and marked as dependencies. Tests or actions that call other tests are also linked as dependencies.
When you select a QuickTest test, business process test, or individual component in the Quality Center test or component tree, you can view these dependent resources and tests in a new Dependencies tab. The Dependencies tab shows all Quality Center entities that are used by your testing document as well as all entities that are using it. For example, if your QuickTest test is associated with two function libraries, and the actions in your test are associated with three object repositories, these entities will be displayed in the Using table of the test’s Dependencies tab. If one of the actions in your test is called by another test, then that calling test will be displayed in the Used by table.
In QuickTest, you can also view the action-specific dependencies in the Used By tab of the Action Properties dialog box.
Quality Center recognizes assets that are linked as owned by or owner dependencies and ensures that these important relationships are maintained when you import or create baselines, rename or move resources, select to delete resources, or perform other operations that can impact these relationships.
Note: If required, you can continue using the previous attachments model for all or some of your QuickTest assets. However, if you use the old model, you will not be able to take advantage of many of the features associated with the resources and dependencies model.
2. Versioning: In previous versions of QuickTest and Quality Center, limited version control options were available if your Quality Center server had the Version Control Add-ins, which worked with third-party version control tools to perform version control. Now, version control is fully integrated into Quality Center, and the site administrator can enable version control on a per project basis.
When QuickTest is connected to a Quality Center project with version control support, you can check any QuickTest asset into or out of the version control database.
3. Baselines: In Quality Center, a project administrator can create baselines that provide “snapshots” of a project at different stages of development. In the Management module—Libraries tab, the administrator first creates a library, which specifies the root folders from which to import the data. The administrator then creates the actual baseline, which comprises the latest checked in versions of every asset included in the library. The administrator can also import and share entire baselines from other Quality Center projects.
When a project reaches an important stage in the project lifecycle, the administrator can create a new baseline of the files in the library at that point.
In Quality Center, these baselines can be viewed and compared in their entirety. In QuickTest, you can view, retrieve, or compare the individual assets saved in any baseline of a library. This enables you to review an asset as it appeared at a specific phase in the project time line.
Also, please note that baselines are supported in Quality Center 10.00 Enterprise and Premier editions only. They are not supported in Quality Center Starter edition.
4. Asset Comparison Tool and Asset Viewer: The QuickTest Asset Comparison Tool enables you to compare two versions of a particular QuickTest asset, such as a test, function library, shared object repository, or recovery scenario. For example, tests in different baselines or shared projects may be using different versions of the same resource. You can use the comparison tool to make sure that each test is using the correct version of its resources.
The QuickTest Asset Comparison Tool compares each element of the asset in a hierarchal display. The tool also enables you to drill down to view a comparison of the assets that are associated with that asset. For example, when comparing two versions of a test, the comparison may indicate that two of the function libraries, a recovery scenario, and some of the action steps changed between the two versions. You can then drill down to view a comparison of the two versions of any of these items.
The QuickTest Asset Viewer is similar to the Asset Comparison Tool, but is used to view the data for a single version of a QuickTest asset.
5. Asset Upgrade Tool: The QuickTest Asset Upgrade Tool for Quality Center enables you to upgrade, in a batch, all the QuickTest assets in a Quality Center project from an earlier QuickTest version to the current format and to convert testing document attachments to the new resources and dependencies model. QuickTest assets include:
a. QuickTest testing documents, such as tests, components, and application areas
b. Testing document attachments, such as function libraries, shared object repositories, and recovery scenario files
This tool is intended for use only by the Quality Center Administrator and must be run during the Quality Center upgrade process, before you begin working with Quality Center integration features.
The QuickTest Asset Upgrade Tool for Quality Center is the only way to upgrade QuickTest assets in a Quality Center 10.00 project, from an earlier QuickTest version to the current format.
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