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CSTE Sept 16th 2006
Part 1 – Objective – 50 Questions – 45 Min.
Part 2 – Subjective – 10 Questions – 75 Min.
Part 3 – Objective – 50 Questions – 45 Min.
Part 4 – Subjective – 10 Questions – 75 Min.
Objective Questions
1. As a general rule, __________ measures are much more important.
a. Subjective
b. Objective
2. If the measurement taken by the two people are same refers to the term as
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Calibration
d. Ease of Use and Simplicity
3. The term __________ refers the degree to which a measure actually measures what it was intended to measure.
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Calibration
d. Ease of Use and Simplicity
4. When basic quality aspects have been identified the “standards” should be defined by
a. IT Team
b. Project Manager
c. Quality Assurance personal
d. Management
e. Development Team
5. The “standards” for the software developed using new technology should be defined by
a. IT Team
b. Project Manager
c. Quality Assurance personal
d. Management
e. Development Team
6. If the COTS software developed by the contractor which is from the another country, then the following problem arises:
a. Cultural differences
b. Communication barriers
c. The two words having the same name in diff. countries
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
7. The ‘V’ represents the following term:
a. Verification and Validation
b. Static testing and Dynamic testing
c. Black box and White Box testing
d. Software development process and Software testing process
8. Test Readiness Review is conducted by the
a. Project Manager
b. Test Manager
c. Quality Assurance Personnel
d. User/Customer
9. Acceptance testing is the ________ type of testing
a. Black box testing
b. White box testing
c. Shoe box testing
d. Structural testing
10. __________ is not the White box testing technique.
a. Condition Coverage
b. Decision Coverage
c. Test script coverage
d. User specified Data coverage
e. All of the above
11. Event identification, Risk Response are the term defined in the ___internal control model
a. COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Model
b. COSO Internal Control Model
c. CobiT Model
12. A statistical technique to assess, monitor and maintain the stability of a process.
a. Pareto Chart
b. Control Chart
c. Run Chart
d. Cause and Effect Diagram
e. Histogram
13. Determination to continue with the software development or not is determined from the
a. Inspection
b. In-process Review
c. Phase end review
d. Don’t remember other options
14. The following is the component for the FIT
a. Data
b. Structure
c. People
d. Rule
e. All of the above
15. A major obstacle for deployment of wireless networks is in the
a. Standards
b. Coverage
c. Security
16. Hand-held and internet enabled devices are example of
a. Electronic equipment
b. Wireless Applications
c. Computer devices
17. Therapeutic listening is
a. Sympathetic listening
b. Listening to pieces of information…
c. Analyzing the listening of the speaker
18. Function point is a measure of
a. Effort
b. Complexity
c. Usability
d. Size
19. Acceptance Testing is the responsibility of the:
a. Programmer
b. Project Leader
c. Independent Tester
d. Assistance programmer
e. User
20. While deciding the Test tool the following factors should be considered
a. Testing for the next builds/releases after making changes
b. Testing where large volumes of data is required
c. Testing based on the UI interface
d. All of the above
21. Completeness can be defined as the
a. Customer says the product is ready
b. Tester says the testing is completed
c. Don’t remember the other options
22. Auxiliary code which sets up an appropriate environment and calls the module is termed as
a. Driver
b. Function
c. Stub
d. None of the above
Subjective Questions:
- Define the guidelines that are helpful in developing compatibility and motivation of a Software project team.
- Draw the Pareto chart and explain about it.
- How do u use control charts for controlling the testing process. Explain control Charts with the diagram.
- You gave the software for independent testers. You are responsible for Unit, Integration, System, Regression and Acceptance testing. Explain about each testing methods and tell which testing can be given to Independent Testing and Which for development team.
- Define the Risk, Risk analysis, threat, vulnerability and Control.
- Explain and diagram report which will be used for reporting uncorrected and corrected defects to the development team?
- List 5 important things you consider for writing test plan, why do you think they are important.
- List 5 important parts of an Acceptance test plan and briefly explain the importance of it to your customer.
- Aspects of computer software that should be observed during the demonstration of COTS software? Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) is a term for software or hardware products that are ready-made and available for sale, lease, or license to the general public. They are often used as alternatives to in-house developments or one-off government-funded developments. The use of COTS is being mandated across many government and business programs, as they may offer significant savings in procurement and maintenance. However, since COTS software specifications are written by external sources, government agencies are sometimes leery of these products because they fear that future changes to the product will not be in their control.
- What are the product standards for a. Test Plan b. Test Script c. Test Report
Some more Question Papers:
Rahnuma is a technical content writer at software testing stuff. A software engineer by degree and a dynamic content creator by passion, she brings to table over 3 years of writing experience in tech niche. Combining her enthusiasm for writing and technology, she loves to share her thoughts on the latest tech trends.
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